Sunday, January 2, 2011

First post of 2011

It's a brand new year. Time to make new year's resolutions or whatever one may want to call them. I am not much the type who makes new year resolutions, but am the type who keeps a bucket list of things that I would love to do before I pass on to the next life.

This year is an exception. I will make some resolutions. I hope that with making a public commitment that I may actually have a chance to fulfill these resolutions.

So let's begin:
1) Run the Shamrock half marathon mid-March in under 2 hours.
2) I will have strong core - lose most if not all of the belly fat by mid-2011.
3) which leads to the third resolution, get my dress size back to a 2 by mid-2011

I know, these resolutions sound a little vain - all about me getting in shape. Honestly though, when I am strong and healthy, I feel that I can give more and do more for the people around me. I am a much better person.

So, let's get a move on it.

1) 3 miles on the treadmill, with incline set to 1 - 33 min. - Not bad for a start!

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